Mental Health Tips for Caregivers

According to the Mayo Clinic, one out of every three adults is a caregiver for someone they love. Caregivers assist others with daily needs, such as an ill spouse/partner, someone with a disability, children, or an aging friend or relative. Some people even have professions that require caregiving. While caregiving can be a rewarding experience […]

Navigating Post-Holiday Financial Stress

Navigating Post-Holiday Financial Stress: Practical Tips for a Smoother Path The holiday season often leaves us with cherished memories, but it can also bring a financial hangover. If you find yourself facing post-holiday financial stress, consider these practical tips to regain control:  Assess the Damage: Start by reviewing your holiday spending. Create a detailed list of […]

Healthy Boundaries = Happy Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, it is important to remember the importance of setting healthy boundaries. By setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, you are protecting yourself from being hurt, both emotionally and maybe even physically. Healthy boundaries allow you to conserve your emotional energy and increase your self-esteem. Overall, setting healthy boundaries this holiday season […]

Categories: Mental Health, Relax, Stress, Tips
Connect to Thrive – The Benefits of Social Connection

Connect to Thrive – The Benefits of Social Connection Did you know that those who feel they have strong connections to others are less likely to experience anxiety and depression and more likely to have high self-esteem? We are social creatures by nature, which means feeling connected with others is important for our survival. When […]

Categories: Connect, Mental Health, Stress, Tips
Relax 4 Your Mental Health

Relax 4 Your Mental Health Everyone can benefit from taking time to relax. Relaxation decreases the effects of stress on your body & mind, helps you cope, and alleviates long-term consequences of stress. Use these tips to find new, simple ways to relax. Relaxation Techniques Practice Relaxation Breathing: Learn some basic breathing exercise like box breathing […]

Categories: Mental Health, Relax, Stress, Tips
Take Care of Your Mental Health

We live in a world ruled by busyness — constantly juggling the responsibilities of home, work, and relationships, running from one errand to the next. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the responsibilities of day-to-day life. But did you know that budgeting time for self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of […]