Mental health plays a huge role in everyone’s lives. It can affect a person’s work, family life, relationships, and even their health. It is estimated by the National Institute of Mental Health that one in five adults will experience symptoms of a mental illness in their lifetime. When these symptoms occur, people may struggle to find the resources they need.

The Four County ADAMhs (Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services) Board serves the residents of Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams County by funding and monitoring a full continuum of care. Funded at the state, federal, and local levels, the ADAMhs Board works to connect the residents of Northwest Ohio to the available mental health services by funding and monitoring contracted mental health, alcohol, and drug treatment services. While the ADAMhs Board does not directly provide these services, they are able to contract with local providers to deliver everything from prevention to inpatient hospitalization services. The Board also uses levy dollars to provide an income sensitive fee structure through local contracted providers. This allows those who have financial limitations to access needed mental health services.

The ADAMhs Board works to help any member of the community who may be struggling to navigate the system to find mental health care through their funded providers. They also provide resources to anyone who may be struggling with substance use problems or those who have a family or relationship issue by connecting them with one of their many providers throughout the four-county area.

A way for the community to support the Four County ADAMhs Board is to vote YES for the levy that will be on the ballot in Williams, Henry, Fulton, and Defiance counties in November of 2023. Community support of their levy makes it possible for the ADAMhs Board to provide mental health and substance use treatment to those in need at a cost that is in line with their ability to pay.

If you or someone you know is having difficulty navigating the mental health or substance use treatment system of care, the ADAMhs Board can help!

Click here to learn more about the Four County ADAMhs board.